About ACGTE-TxState

Organizational Leadership

ACGTE-TxState was founded as a graduate organization under the direction and guidance of Dr. Kristina Henry Collins and Dr. Susan Field Waite in the fall of 2015. All stakeholders interested in creative, gifted and talented education are welcomed. The purposes of ACGTE-TxState are to:

  • Serve as a regionally organized public advocate for gifted students,  gifted education programming, educators of gifted education.
  • Foster a forum for exchange of information, research, and ideas related to gifted education and creativity for its members, the university, and surrounding school districts.
  • Promote awareness of the needs of creative, gifted, and talented students and young adults
  • Support, encourage, and disseminate research-based information concerning programming and resources to communities, local schools, and other interested persons

Did you know that in most school districts anyone may refer a student for gifted programming and services? A student can even submit a self referral.Many are identified at a young age; however, there are many who go unidentified, underserved, or underdeveloped. The ability to identify the diverse ways in which gifts and talents are manifested in students is a very important skill for parents, informal and formal educators, and beginning teachers to master. Further, it is important that we understand the social, emotional, and cultural contexts in which gifts and talents are developed. Gifted, talented, and creative youth and adults are a huge part of our society.

As an organization, we will highlight and celebrate individuals’ talents, whether academic, artistic, or otherwise. We look forward to celebrating and serving with you!